
Visualizing the Bills of Mortality

by Jason Heppler

One of the ways we are using the transcribed bills of mortality is in data visualization and mapping, in an effort to ask new questions and revisit old ones. At the Southern History Association’s annual meeting in Baltimore, we presented preliminary work on data visualization and the data API. An interactive notebook on this early work is available on Observable for perusal (note, the page may take a moment to load the 100,000+ records).

How We Get Things Done: The Transcription Workflow

by Megan Brett, Dan Howlett

Figure 1. Bills of Mortality Workflow. Once items are added to DataScribe and the datasets are ready for transcription, the transcription workflow begins. The project owner can assign users one of two roles: reviewer or transcriber. Reviewers can edit all records and items, regardless of the item’s status. For Bills of Mortality, Reviewers include the staff members on the project and our Digital History Research Assistants. Transcribers can only edit records and items which are locked to them.

From Archival Sources to Computational Analysis, Part Two

by Megan Brett, Megan Mitchell

In our last post, we explained how we used Tropy to organize photographs of bound bills into items, concluding with the export of the item metadata using the Tropy CSV Export plugin. This post covers the other part of the process of going from digital images to items in a datascribe item set. If you look at the workflow image, we’ll be describing work that takes place in the “Image Processing and CSV Creation” and “Omeka S Item Creation” areas.

From Archival Sources to Computational Analysis, Part One

by Megan Brett, Megan Mitchell

Have you ever wondered how a complex project like Death by Numbers comes together? This post is the first in a series about the workflow that takes us from archival sources to transcriptions formatted for computational analysis. Let’s begin with digitization. Figure 1. diagram of image preparation workflow showing process from digitization to image processing and CSV creation to omeka s item creation to datascribe transcription. Digitization of Original Documents There are many ways historic documents become digital objects, and the BoM project is built on documents from a variety of sources.

Workflows introduction. The following posts and essays describe our methods and workflows for working with the London bills of mortality.

Methodologies Tags

brett (3) data (1) geography (1) heppler (2) howlett (2) metadata (2) meyers (2) mitchell (2) omeka (1) taba (1) transcription (3) tropy (2) visualization (2) ward (2)