Data Downloads

We provide multiple ways to use and interact with the data generated through this project. The data can either be downloaded as a comma-separated value document (.csv) or accessed through the data API.

The raw data exports are available on our Github repository. The README in the repostitory describes the contents of the datasets. These datasets are arranged as wide tables and are direct exports from DataScribe.

Bodleian V1 and V2 Weekly Bills ParishesParish-by-parish counts mortality information from weekly bills published in the 1630s through 1650s.Download
Wellcome Weekly Bills 1669-1670 ParishesParish-by-parish counts of plague mortality and total mortality for the parish mortality from weekly bills published in the late 17th century.Download
Wellcome Weekly Bills CausesCity-wide (including local suburbs) death counts for various causes of death, along with information about christenings, burials, plague deaths, and bread prices in the late 17th century.Download
Laxton 1700 Weekly Bills CausesCity-wide (including local suburbs) death counts for various causes of death from weekly bills published in 1700.Download
Laxton 1700 Weekly Bills GenderContains demographic statistics by gender from weekly bills published in the year 1700.Download
Laxton 1700 Weekly Bills FoodstuffsContains food prices from weekly bills published in the year 1700. There are various types of bread and also salt.Download
Laxton Weekly Bills ParishesContains parish-by-parish counts of total mortality for the parish along with subtotals and totals of christenings and burials information from weekly bills published in the early 18th century.Download
Laxton Weekly Bills CausesCity-wide (including local suburbs) death counts for various causes of death in the early eighteenth centuryDownload
Millar General Bills Post-Plague ParishesContains contains parish-by-parish counts of total mortality for the parish along with subtotals and totals of christenings in the early 18th century.Download

You may also consult the data API’s documentation if you’d like to use the data directly. The data has been rearranged into a long format and returns JSON objects across weekly and general bills, christenings, causes of death, and foodstuffs.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about downloading or using these datasets.